
How To Avoid Underwires Digging Into Breasts At The Sides

Why do the underwires dig in at the side of the breasts and advice from our bra specialists on how to avoid wires digging into breasts.

How To Avoid Underwires Digging Into Breasts At The Sides

When an underwired bra fits correctly it will be comfortable and supportive but if your bra wires dig into your breasts at the side and poke into your skin under your arms, then this is painful and could be that you are wearing the wrong size bra. If your underwired bra doesn't fit correctly then the wires could be digging into your body. Our team of bra specialists here at AmpleBosom have put together some bra advice on how to avoid underwires digging into breasts at the sides.

Why do the underwires dig in at the side of the breasts?

If the underwires dig into your breast at the side then your bra cup size could be too small.

Our bra specialists advise –  “Try increasing the cup size (E to F). Alternatively try a non-wired soft cup style.”

What to look for – The underwires should sit flat directly under the breast tissue, totally supporting the breast, so that there is no breast tissue touching the chest. The breasts should be encased comfortably inside the cups and wired area. Different bras can have different shaped wires and bras with a shorter or flatter underwire won’t dig into the sides of the bust.

How To Avoid Underwires Digging Into Breasts At The Sides With Advice

Please read our bra specialists tips for how to avoid underwires digging into breasts at the sides and suggestions to help you find a comfortable fitting bra:

Check The Cup Size

Your cup size may be too small if the wires are digging into your breasts. Try a larger cup size eg: E to F, this will allow more room for your breasts and the wires will lie flat.

Try A Non Wired Bra

To solve the problem completely you could try a soft cup bra/ wire free bra / non wired bra. 

A non wired soft cup bra doesn't have wires that can dig in. If you are used to wearing a wired bra then you may wonder how a non wired bra gives support. Although a non wired bra doesn’t give the same level of support and structure as a wired bra, if the bra fits well then the non wired bra will give good support. 

A good non wired bra relies on the cup and the stitching to give support and shape to the bust. Full cups made from firm fabric that can securely encase the breasts is supportive and the added sections within the cup will provide a structure for the bust. Side support panels and wide straps can also be a feature that helps non wired bras offer better support to the breasts.

Read our blogpost about the benefits of a non wired soft cup bra.

Check The Bra Band Size

Check the bra band lies flat around your body. Sometimes if a bra is too small and you pull on the bra band to stretch it to fasten and this can cause the wires to become misshapen so they can sometimes dig in.

Check The Shape & Size Of The Wires

Look for a bra with flatter or shorter wires. Also wires that sit lower under the arm as the wire shape could be too high for you. Please give us a call on 01439 798388 and we will be happy to advise about the size and shape of the wires in our bras.

How Do You Wash Your Bras?

Make sure you wash your bras and lingerie by hand, a washing machine is too hot for the plastic casing and this can cause the wires to be exposed and eventually pierce the fabric channelling. Wash your bra in a cool wash so that it doesn’t shrink in the wash.  Placing your bra in a bra bag or a pillowcase when washing, can help the bra from getting damaged in the wash. Read our care advice for washing bras.

General Bra Fitting Tips & Advice

  • We recommend checking your bra every 6 to 9 months to check it still fits correctly and that it doesn’t show signs of wear and tear that can affect the fit.
  • Check your size – you can remeasure your band and cup size at home following our helpful bra measuring guide for advice.

  • Alternatively give our friendly team of bra specialists a call on 01439 798388. They will happily talk you through the bra measuring guide.
  • Have a bra fitting – arrange a bra fitting with one of our helpful team on 01439 798 388.

Your bra should fit well, with the underwires sitting flat directly under the breast tissue. The wires should support the breasts. There shouldn't be breast tissue touching the chest. Your breasts  should be comfortably encased in the cups for all day comfort.

How To Check A Bra Fits Well and Comfortably

A well fitting and supportive bra will be comfortable but how do you know if the bra is fitted correctly? We have put together a guide to help you find a well fitting bra that looks and feels good everyday.

Are You Wearing The Correct Size Bra?

  1. Band – the band should be secure and level all the way round, not riding up at the back. The band should sit snug underneath the breast tissue.
  2. Straps – the straps should run parallel at the back and take the weight from the shoulders. Straps should not dig into the shoulders. Adjust the shoulder straps to ensure they are neither too loose nor too tight. The straps should sit parallel at the back. When trying on a new bra always wriggle the shoulders to ensure the straps do not slip.
  3. Cups – breasts should be comfortably enclosed in the cups. No bulging or gaping at the top or the sides. Always make sure the nipples are centralised in the cup. Put your hand inside the cup and lift and sweep the breasts.
  4. Centre panel - the centre front fitting should be snug to the chest wall with no gaps or digging in.
  5. Underarm - snug fit at the underarm, not too tight and not gaping.
  6. Wires – if underwired the wires should lie flat. You should not be able to feel the wires when you move around and touch your toes. Stretch your arms towards the ceiling. When you bring your arms back down to your sides, the wires should not dig in.

Visit our bra fitting guide which offers hints and tips for making sure your bra fits properly. Click on the shop now button to browse our full range of bras

Shop Now Our Bra Collection


If you would like any help finding a well fitting and comfortable bra then please give our friendly team of bra specialists a call on 01439 798388 or email us here, we will be happy to help.

Also visit our bra fitting guide, our handy bra measuring guide, our useful size guide page with size charts for bras, briefs and nightwear and our blog for advice, tips and recommendations. We are here to help you find your perfect fit!

Our Facebook group is a place for you to ask questions and seek guidance from our team of bra specialists. We share our expertise for finding the perfect bra for you. Give answers to common bra fitting problems and share exclusive updates on new arrivals, latest trends and special offers. You can also chat with like-minded ladies and share your favourite styles and brands with one another.

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Blogpost edited by Sara 23/04/2024
