
Care Advice For Washing Bras

Care advice and tips for washing bras including advice about handwashing and machine washing bras as well as drying tips.

Here at AmpleBosom we are often asked about care advice for washing bras. We find that sometimes customers are not keen to wash their bras in a washing machine for fear that their underwear could get damaged or worn out more quickly. They also feel they don't have the time to hand wash their bras. So finding a way to wash your bras that suits you and helps to keep the fit of your bra is important.

Just one thing before we go on...if you have the time to read this then you probably have the time to hand wash your bra so go ahead, we promise we won't be offended. If you don't hand wash manufacturers will not guarantee to fix damage as this may have been caused by the washing process. 


How often do you wash your bra? A survey in The Telegraph a few years ago said that the women surveyed only washed their bra after having worn it seven times over an eight week period, which equates to a bra being washed six times per year. How often you wash your bra is a personal choice.

As a guide washing a bra every day or so, to remove perspiration, to freshen the garment and prevent any skin irritation as bacteria may build up in the moist bra areas and transfer to the skin. However often you wash your bras it is important to care for your bras so that they continue to fit well after every wash. We have put together some tips and care advice for washing bras.


How often you wash your bras is a personal preference. You don't need to wash your bra everyday. It is important to follow the care advice on your bra label as different bras are made of different fabrics and materials. We recommend hand washing bras with a mild detergent, air drying them to remove excess water and help the bras last as long as possible.


  • Ideally hand wash your bras.

  • Hand wash bras in cold water.

  • Use a mild liquid/powder laundry detergent.

  • If using a fabric softener, only use a mild detergent.

  • Use fabric softener very sparingly if at all, because it weakens the elastane and the bra loses support.

  • Wash light and dark colours separately.

Washing Bras - Handwashing bras


  • Wash bras on a delicate wash or a quick/short wash at a low temperature.

  • Use a mild liquid/powder.

  • If using a fabric softener, only use a mild detergent.

  • Use fabric softener very sparingly if at all, because it weakens the elastane and the bra loses support.

Washing Bras - Machine Washing bras

  • Consider using a bra bag or mesh laundry bag in your washing machine to protect your underwear. These bags are usually made of mesh and help to keep your lingerie together and prevent snagging with other items. A lingerie washbag can help to keep your underwired bras in shape and help to prevent the wires coming out. It protects any delicate fabrics from unsightly snags and pulls as well as stopping bras and underwear becoming tangled and snared. The washbag is suitable for keeping your briefs and tights safe too.

  • Use a pillow case if you don't have a bra washing bag. Tie a knot in the top of the pillow case once you have your bras inside.

  • When using a wash bag or pillowcase, fold the bra and place carefully into the bag/pillowcase.

  • Close the clasps and hooks on your bra when machine washing.

  • Wash similar colours together.


  • Reshape the bra cups once they have been washed, especially with padded and shaping bras.

  • Towel dry your bra between two towels.

  • Try not to wring the bra or twist the wet bra out of shape.

  • Air dry your bra to help keep it's shape.

  • Use a low heat or no heat setting if using a dryer.

Remember to check the care instructions on the label or box when you get the bra. Some custonmers cut out the label in their bra, so keep the label with your washing detergents so you can refer to the care instructions when you need to.

Bras At AmpleBosom.com

We have an extensive collection of bras and shapewear ranging from 28-58 back size and AA-N cup size, so plenty of choice. Click on the shop now button to shop our bra collection today.

Shop Bras At AmpleBosom.com

If you would like any help and advice about washing and caring for your bras then call on 01439 798388 and one of our friendly team of bra specialists will be more than happy to advise you.

We have also written some tips and advice for washing you swimwear so take a look at our blogpost: swimwear care advice and washing tips.


If you would like any help finding a well fitting and comfortable bra then please give our friendly team of bra specialists a call on 01439 798388 or email us here, we will be happy to help.

Also visit our bra fitting guide, our handy bra measuring guide, our useful size guide page with size charts for bras, briefs and nightwear and our blog for advice, tips and recommendations. We are here to help you find your perfect fit!

Our Facebook group is a place for you to ask questions and seek guidance from our team of bra specialists. We share our expertise for finding the perfect bra for you. Give answers to common bra fitting problems and share exclusive updates on new arrivals, latest trends and special offers. You can also chat with like-minded ladies and share your favourite styles and brands with one another.

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Blogpost edited by Sara 04/11/2024.
